Book an Author Visit to your School



Children and young people are often intrigued by the writing process. An author visit peels away the mystery of writing for young people.

 Engaging with an author is an exciting way to help the writing process come alive for them. It offers children and young people a chance to get up close and personal to ask all the questions –

How do you form a plot

How do you create characters

Where do you get ideas from

Do you ever want to give up?

Author visits give students a chance to see that writers are people just like themselves, inspiring them to explore and develop their own unique talents.  Young people realize that writing is not magic. They too can make their dreams come true!

Benefits for pupils/students

Encourages children to read for pleasure

Encourages reluctant readers

Improves confidence with word usage

Ignites an interest in personal writing

Broadens knowledge of literature

Gives a chance for pupils to meet a favorite author



Teachers can benefit from author visits, gaining fresh ideas from the author perspective and having students with a renewed engagement in literacy classes



An author’s visit gives positive publicity to the school and affirms their commitment to finding creative ways to inspire children.

Author Visit Events

Book Readings and Signings

Autographs and Interactions

Literacy Activities

Literacy Day/World Book Day Programmes

Question and Answer Sessions



Form for Enquiries/Author Booking.